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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

Get ready to welcome the light

19 June 2022

In a few days we will enter the gateway of the winter solstice. Tuesday June 21st we will experience the winter solstice in Australia and the rest of the Southern hemisphere. The winter solstice is a key turning point in the cycle of the year. On this day we experience the greatest amount of darkness, the longest night and the shortest day but we also get ready to welcome more light from this point onwards as the days gradually begin to get longer again and the nights shorter.

Throughout thousands of years humans have understood their direct connection to nature and honoured the changing of the seasons with respect for the Earth that sustains them, but in modern times we have forgotten this intrinsic connection and many of the old ways. The solstice key point was celebrated by many different cultures around the world. Pagans called winter solstice ‘Yule, and the Romans celebrated Saturnalia around this time through feasting and exchanging gifts.. Ancient sites around the world such as Stonehenge, the Egyptian temple of Karnak and the ancient temples of China and Peru were built so that the sun shone through them on the winter solstice marking this sacred day as an opening to the higher realms.


The winter solstice is also known as Celtic midwinter Meán Geimhridh in Irish. These solstices were seen as occurring at the midpoint of each season, hence the name ‘Midwinter’ for the Winter Solstice. According to an old Celtic myth, on the solstices of each year the Oak King, representing the light or summer, and the Holly King, representing the dark or winter, would fight, with the Oak King emerging victorious at the winter solstice, enabling the return of the light.

Many of the traditions we use to celebrate Christmas are actually ancient pagan traditions from midwinter or Yule as the winter solstice falls on the 21st Dec in the northern hemisphere. Mistletoe, a symbol of the Winter Solstice, was revered as ‘ever green’ by the druids, and used as a blessing to signify continued life over the cold dark winter. The decorating of a evergreen tree, feasting and gift exchange are all pagan winter solstice traditions.

Fan the flames of the light of the Holy Spirit within

Whatever your religious or cultural beliefs this is a time marked by the birth of the light, as in Jesus Christ in Christianity or the return of the light to Earth in nature. It is also a time where we can turn inward to fan the flames of the light of the holy spirit that is in us.

Just as the cold weather sends us indoors Winter is a time for deep inner reflection. It is a time to delve deep within and to illuminate your own personal darkness to transmute it. Allow yourself time to fully feel whatever painful or unsettling emotions are coming up for you. These emotions are asking to be released into the light and to be healed. Allow old ways of being that no longer serve you to die back. Winter is a time of death but it is a fleeting moment before this death spins on the wheel of life to become rebirth. The solstice sun, that is at its lowest and darkest, dies, only to be reborn the next day to increasingly more light.

Celebrate the triumph of light over darkness

'Thousand suns' by Nicoleen Flamekeeper

The winter solstice is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, as the wheel of the seasons slowly turns towards the return of the sun. In ancient times it was observed that the sun was reborn and so this time was considered the start of a new year. It is seen spiritually as a fresh start and a time of hope. It's a time to set goals and intentions for the coming year, to examine and let go of our past, and to make changes within ourselves. The solstice is essentially tied to a personal awakening. At this time of great darkness you truly have the ability to tap into the light of the divine, the light of a thousand suns that exists within you.

Tips for marking the winter solstice:

1. Decorate your home with some evergreen foliage

2. Once the sun goes down, turn off the lights and spend a moment or in darkness. Honour the light, as you light candles.

3. Reflect on what darkness you no longer wish to carry. Write these old habits or outdated beliefs down then light a candle and transmute them in the flames.

4. Plant seeds for the new beginning in your mind in the fertile darkness.

5. Share a bonfire with some family or friends.

6. Use some essential oils that connect work with your solar plexus chakra, the energy centre where we store light. Good choices are Frankincense, the oil of truth and Lavender, the oil of communication.

7. Setting sun meditation: Observe the sun setting. Remind yourself the sun will return tomorrow and allow your soul to feel the trust that this knowledge brings you even in the depths of darkness. (This is a powerful mediation for soul healing from the Spirit of Compassion through Anthony Williams, Medical Medium)

8. Book an Energy healing or health consult if you feel you would like assistance to shift darkness to prepare for more light.

Choose the service that best suits you

A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing


A) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


I wish you love. May you light up your darkness in this powerful time of transmutation as we approach the winter solstice.

If you are interested in learning more about spiritual traditions and daily spiritual practices please sign up to my blog here or join me on facebook or instagram.

Sending you love and light

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through

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